Public Speaking Opportunities

Web Directions 2015

Interested in public speaking? There are a couple very good opportunities coming up.

  • The first is Web Directions, Australia’s longest-running digital design, product and engineering conference. It’s taking place on October 29-30 this year. The Call for Proposals is now open, and they’re even having a special brainstorming/encouragement session next week for women who are interested but not sure what to talk about. Anyone who submits a proposal will be invited to a special speaker training session. If you’ve never spoken at a conference before, this is a fantastic opportunity to get some experience.
  • The second is Ignite Sydney, which will be happening on October 20th. You can submit a proposal here. I spoke at Ignite #13 back in March and absolutely loved it. It’s scary and challenging but also really rewarding. I highly recommend going for it.