- TopLeftBrick: (Electric Dreams > Her, by the way. Always.) https://t.co/C9d19RIbJG
- OldDutchCap: I love mentoring junior devs. If nothing else it reminds me exactly how tough it can be to formulate a simple question.
- lucylockit_: If you're waiting for the perf time to tell your trans / gender diverse friends that you love and accept them unconditionally, this is it 💙
- Jeff_Sparrow: TIL the queen is basically a high functioning alcoholic https://t.co/uYWfCsJUsW
- vmbrasseur: I practice like mad & practically memorise my talks, but you take away my speaker notes & I'm still screwed. #crutch #SpeakerConfessions
- unixbigot: @web_goddess @carbocommander It was a great film. I named my control-100000-IoT-devices framework https://t.co/6gNjRqprkR (in reply to web_goddess)