Shared today on Twitter

I am going into the city today to check out Newton Running Shoes. @ironbrandon and @steverunner have convinced me to give forefoot a try.

@ironbrandon It’s at They’ve got a beginners running course starting up in Oct too, so I may do that. BRING ON THE MARATHON! 🙂

Ok @ironbrandon, I now have some (very ugly) Newtons! Now what? Start slow, I’m guessing.

Forgot the pic:

I’ll be fine for like 15 minutes, then have an unbelievable coughing jag. Really sucks when someone is trying to demo code at their desk.

Just got home – without my new running shoes. I must be sicker than I thought. I HOPE LIKE HELL I left ’em sitting in the office. 🙁

Chemist didn’t want to give me codeine. Said I should just cough it all up. I told her I MUST SLEEP, so she relented. In bed now.

3.30am. Codeine wore off. Unable to stop coughing. Nothing working. Poor Snook; I’m ruining his sleep too.

I eventually got back to sleep, but I had to practically OD on codeine to do it. The comedown is not nice. But at least I got some sleep.

And hey! My voice is coming back! Maybe my co-workers will stop making phone sex jokes now.

@stufromoz Exactly. The consensus was that I’d make a great ‘sexy Russian housewife.’