Shared today on Twitter

Just completed a 5.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

@knitness CONGRATULATIONS! Way to go!

We at @Mobile_Active have finished 9kg of @BenAndJerryOz ice cream and have started on the second box! Best. Week. Ever.

@Opheli8 Vanilla and Chocolate Macadamia Orgasm. (At least, that’s what I’m calling it in my head.)

Just finished the big draft spec I’ve been working on. Debating going to meet the knitters. Not sure I’m up for it.

@Ozquilter Ah, but the Snook reminded me that we have many beers at home. And it’s raining. So I’m heading homeward. 🙂

This year’s Halloween party photos are finally online: As usual, too many of food and not enough of guests!

@Opheli8 He’s a filthy, filthy boy.

Just completed a 5.01 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

5K run with no stopping at better than race pace. I feel great! Bring on the 10K on Sunday…

Starting up a summer fitness challenge (aka Fat Bet). Anybody want to join in? Motivation and stubbornness are a must.

@Ezzles The Kitty Litter Cake is pretty good. And by “good,” I mean both “disgusting to look at” and “very tasty to eat.”