Just got my last @knitabulous yarn club package. Yay!
My @knitabulous package: http://twitpic.com/13bsr3. LOVE! St Brigid is going straight into that awesome project bag…
On top of everything else, I suddenly have a sore throat. I really, really don’t need to be sick right now.
@cdeagle Fix it up on the website! You can drag the points around. 🙂
@cdeagle That looks way better! I often find I have to do that in the city when trees/buildings interfere with GPS.
@cdeagle Still tender and slightly swollen. Going in for bone scan tomorrow morning. 🙁
Watching Biggest Loser. Snook: “If some dudes beat me up on the oval, I’d go Ender on their ass and poison their lunch boxes.” BWAHAHAHA.
Taking my sore foot and my sore throat to bed. We’re only 6 weeks into 2010 and healthwise it’s SUCKTASTIC.
Heading to Newtown to get a bone scan on my foot. There’s no way this diagnosis is going to be good. I’m actually hobbling today. 🙁
I’m going to be radioactive for the next 24 hours! Pregnant women and children beware. (Doc says I probably won’t get superpowers. Damn.)
No glow-in-the-dark, AFAIK. But I’m trying very hard to read thoughts on the 426 bus. Not much luck yet.