Shared today on Twitter

11am and I am heading into my 3rd meeting of the day. GRAR.

Don’t forget to count dead people for me, Tweeps! I have a feeling I’m going to need the tiebreaker this year…

@_brigita_ I am not a fan of the mop top. No, sir.

I’ve seen loads of pics of Diane Kruger, but WHERE IS PACEY? With Clooney’s mop top, I need some stabilizing Pacey hotness.

@kevincmurphy You’re still in there…

Snook: “I reverse engineered your Oscars site to create a histogram of user success.” Then dumped me a bunch of code. I love him.

RT @miftik: – Trying to stay awake for @web_goddess but it is going to be tough. // YOU ARE THE BEST. THE BEST!

I will need a backup dead person count, as I think @imdominating is crying too hard.

@miftik That matches what @imdominating got. Thanks to the both of you! You are awesome. 🙂

@Opheli8 You’re a cheater head! I don’t see no James Taylor on your monitor… 🙂

@traveller0112 Huh. Not seeing much commentary on that, other than from Ebert and you!

Whoa! @realtimshady has a real chance here…

@thisismywww Mine is working, over on William Street…

@thisismywww 3G. I got Twitter and everything.

And it’s over! A 14-way tie for 1st place in the W-G Oscar Contest… and then a 2-way tie after tiebreaker… comes down to order of entry.

The W-G Oscar Contest winner of the Sparkly Emo Vampire Sockmonkey Playset is Jonathan Wells. Way to go, Jonathan!

RT @mayorofnewtown: Extended bus zones on King St Newtown in preparation for bendy busses (Metrobus 30) (pdf)

@witty_knitter Judging by the email address, I don’t think so. 🙂

2nd go at Magic Pudding face: much better! Nearly got it. Just need to finetune the nose placement.

@carbolicious I think in most places in the world, every day is Men’s Day.

First hot cross bun of the year. Yum.

@carbolicious The question was stupid, like asking why there’s no Int’l White Person’s Day. Because they’re not an oppressed minority!

@carbolicious Actually, apologies. There is one, and 2 seconds worth of Googling found it: