@cuddlycutie4uC Did you post this to the wrong person? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Recipe? Food?
@VenessaHunt Ooh, pretty!
Ugh. 6:15pm and pitch black outside. I think my Seasonal Affective Disorder just kicked in.
Watching the earwax-candle episode of Mythbusters and both of us are, like, totally gagging. EWWWWWWW. AGH, AND A CUPCAKE?!
@imdominating Yeah, Grant too, but I see enough of my friends kissin’ their asses with @ replies I didn’t bother. 🙂
It’s getting to the point where I want to buy an iPad just to piss off the haters who take its very existence as a personal affront.
@imdominating He already commented on it when it originally got posted on Metafilter. Said he always wanted to see himself as a woman!
If you play WordsWithFriends, please add “The Snook”. He keeps beating ne so I need to divide his attention.
@sharre I’m pretty much the same. I’m just annoyed at people who sneer at the idea that someone might genuinely like something they don’t.
@squozen @brodrigu Be careful. He favours obscure Greek words and triple-letter plays. He got a 75+ pointer on me this morning.