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On a hike/run with @mrs_sockvictim. Just made it to Robertson’s Lookout at Mt Keira!

@gusseting @mrs_sockvictim had a slight GPS fail there. Actual distance was just under 7km. 🙂

My vote for photo of #knitcamp. Queen @knitabulous is not amused.

Watched #masterchef masterclass from Friday. Snook was inspired to grill us some steaks. YUM…

@mrs_sockvictim @bellsknits @georgieknits @randomknits @drkknits @knitabulous @gemma747 @knitterjp Cheers, my dears! Tomorrow def. recovery.

@knitness We missed you too, Ness! There was a definite lack of true debauchery this year, I think. 🙂

Home from knitting camp and resting up. What time for Justin Bieber tomorrow, @getupgo? 🙂

RT @bellsknits: Wollongong Knitting Camp 2010: // Oh dear god. That photo of me made me do a double-take! HAWTNESS.

Rice Krispy Treats recipe: Missing: the step where you stir marshmallow w/ the chowmein spoon. @bellsknits @drkknits

@getupgo We’ll see. I’m taking an early mark tonight. I’ll look for you among the screaming Bieberites!

@Lauren_lolly_ In my defense, they made me drink cherry brandy. That stuff is POTENT. No wonder I’m posing like a hoochie-mama! 🙂

@SMinney @bellsknits That would have required corsetry. Instead I was wearing jeans and sneakers underneath. 🙂

@zedsains I just woke up! Phew, glad I didn’t miss anything. Are the tweens on the rampage?

Slept in this morning only to find that Bieber cancelled his concert when he heard I wasn’t there. Very sweet of him.