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296m/60s on rower at Spudds. Kick. Ass. I think I might need gloves though.

Wow! Indiana Republicans get their own sex scandal: Smell ya later, Souder. Good riddance.

Booking plane tickets to America! Yay!

@Ezzles You up for some cat-sitting again? Three weeks. July 17 – August 7…

@Ezzles No worries. I think I’ve got a couple other options by the sound of it! 🙂

@imdominating @Justacogitating The Snook-Howard Magical Mystery Tour lands in Midwest USA on July 22. Woooot!

@mrs_sockvictim Ewwwwww. That must be why Petey goes nuts in the mornings. He wants to hunt! TOO DAMN BAD, PUSS. 🙂

@imdominating Oh, we’re there for 2 weeks. Just emailed you deets. Chicago probably the day before we leave…