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@MetalheadMick You are making me even more bitter that they didn’t hire the Snook back in January! 🙁

@dancingman @Roceal It’s picking up. The sun is shining! I can’t be a grouch when it’s sunny out. And @zedsains got me a hot chocolate. 🙂

Woooo! Just heard that our new cooktop and oven are at the warehouse!

@Kimchiboy0208 Oppa! Your picture is awesome – when did you change it? Very handsome. Go Korea! 🙂

@Kimchiboy0208 I wish I could go to Korea! Rodd and I are going to USA for 3wks next month to see my family. Should be a good holiday…

@knitabulous @Fiestywenchyone I believe you had real Libby’s CANNED pumpkin pie at Halloween last year! I should bring some back from US. 🙂

@redambition I have mushrooms. I have frozen French fries. Please explain how to make this happen at my house.

Last night’s poor sleep may have been a harbinger. I am coughing. My head feels hot and dizzy. Thought I was going to escape this!! 🙁

@Fiestywenchyone DJ’s in Sydney have it! That’s where I got mine. Costs a fair bit though.

@Fiestywenchyone Or try They usually have it

Wretched. Retiring to bed with a hacking cough. I think I still have some dregs of codeine around here…

@venks79 Uh oh… You’ve got it too!

@SMinney I’m downloading now too!

iOS4 installed and rockin’. Looks good so far!

@SMinney 3GS. Rodd’s 3G, but he’s waiting til tonight to do his. We’re not quite sure what will/won’t work on his yet.

@SMinney Went pretty flawlessly. Downloaded the update, ran a last backup, then installed.

Hm. Found a glitch. My Address Book is empty. Must have unexpectedly synced with wrong source.

I use Google for Contacts, and they’re all still in there. I think it’s still just updating them.

I think it’s Google’s fault. is giving server error! Must be everybody adding their Google accounts at once. 🙂

Yep. Google’s fault for laggy iPhone syncing this morning:

I’m up to 100 of my Google Contacts now. They’re just coming in very, very slowly.

@Kat13v I’m sorry about sending you that snippy email yesterday! Hope you realised it wasn’t you I was pissed at. 🙂

Coughing isn’t too bad today, but head is woozy and temp is slightly elevated. Going to quarantine myself at home.

@DDsD Huh? The update took me like 15 minutes, start-to-finish. Getting all my Google stuff synced is taking way longer though.

iPhone users: if you use Google calendars, those might take a while to sync too. Hit your Calendar app to get it started.

@MetalheadMick Me too. Like 15 minutes tops. The Google stuff is taking forever to sync, but phone is totally usable in the meantime.