Shared today on Twitter

@knitterjp I did! Thank you…

@sharre And @kunaal84, but I don’t think you’ve met him yet…

Going to see Joss Whedon. Snook’s decided to wear red Sheldon pants and Three Keyboard Cat Moon shirt. “Nerds – they’re my people!” he says.

@Opheli8 SupaCenta is like level 5 of Inception.

Swarm? Come on mah nerds! (@ Sydney Opera House w/ @daniellewarby)

@Kat13v @EclecticRose1 @sharre I’m up for that!! Say the word…

Joss was great! But man, some serious nerds in that audience. I mean, yeah, we like Buffy, but we can still FUNCTION in SOCIETY. o_O

Thanks to everyone who offered washing machine advice. We ordered the F&P frontload washer and condensing dryer stacking combo!

Holy hell. I’m crocheting.

@thisismywww I’ve lost my knitting mojo. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

@drkknits All I want is for my laundry room ceiling not to get moldy! Everything else is just a bonus. Including fries. 😛

@mrs_sockvictim Couldn’t muster any knitting enthusiasm. Decided to see if I could figure out a crochet pattern. 😛