Shared today on Twitter

You tweeps: Please go here and vote for Taylor Gardner to win (once per day!). This request comes directly from my Mom!

RT @mrkistic: Nice update:

@randomknits I know, I keep refreshing. Too funny. Can’t believe whoever it is didn’t put an ad on it!

@redambition I think they got bored waiting too!

RT @Warlach: RT @nicolejensen: It’s DONE. FINALLY. #ausvotes <– All hail le Ranga, bringing of Broadband.

@Fifikins Ooh, can I volunteer to help her move house?! 🙂

@Epaulette You went to Zumbo and didn’t bring us macarons?! Blasphemy!

@mpesce Are you settled in yet? @steven_noble and I should introduce you to the Duck & Swan with a beer (if you haven’t already found it).

@Opheli8 Probably our stencil wall. It was most likely Charlie Chaplin!

@DDsD @mpesce @steven_noble Lansdowne is good for cheap eats, but I prefer hanging out with old local dudes to students!