Setting up our new washer and dryer. Yay!
@knitterjp @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim Was sorry to miss it! And the bloody kids never showed up in the end! 🙁
@mrs_sockvictim Yeah, we waited til 2:20 and then packed up. It was a nice time with Kerry and Bernadette though!
Hahahaha… New frontloader (with see-thru door) is KITTY CINEMA. Dr. Amy is utterly entranced.
Enjoying a post-whitegoods-installation beer. (@ Duck & Swan Hotel)
Kitty Cinema.
Who wants homemade sourdough?
And now the finished bread. YUMMY.
@zephyrama This is actually his 3rd attempt. Previous 2 were pretty deflated. Starter is going good now! I’ll put his comments on Rav. 🙂
@Shannen546 Yes, you’re spamming everyone.
New frontloader door is *squeaking* during wash. Just from being new? No water is leaking or anything. Just squeaking noises.
Following ND game in bed on iPhone via ESPN site. Trying to explain to Snook how Michigan will crush us. Oh, look. They just scored. 🙁