Best. Friday. Ever. Thanks @BenAndJerryOz! #FreeScoopFridays
Too. Full. Can’t. Eat. Anymore. Ice Cream. @BenAndJerryOz coma is imminent…
@VenessaHunt It’s my food baby and I love it.
@AusVintageGrrl Nope! Kelly, Emma, Alesha.
@mrs_sockvictim WTF. Want to share a order tonight? 🙂
Rather disappointed that no one in my office commented on my awesome ThinkGeek Marie Curie shirt. It had polonium and radium on it!
My 2nd-to-last Saturday morning spent preparing for a Guild meeting. Yay!
@witty_knitter Did you guys want me to bring my laptop, or are you all set for that?
@Gin_ev_ra No worries. Noted! Thanks for that.
@kunaal84 Best of luck!
@witty_knitter I reckon you’ll be fine. I’ll just bring a couple connectors in case you need them.
@drkknits I’m on my way now, should be there in 10min to open doors and start setting up!