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This day is giving me whiplash.

RT @mobileembrace: 5 Gmail features that we found both useful and amusing

@sharre I’ve read maybe half a dozen.. Not a big fan though, much to @redambition & @kunaal84 & Snook’s chagrin. Just couldn’t get into it.

I told the Snook I was feeling blue today. He sent me this:

The mailman cheered me up by delivering my NEW SHOES!! Thanks @carbolicious for playing courier!!

The shoes are Dansko Marcelles, which I fell in love with last year from this Knitty pattern:

@Opheli8 Mexican food and Halloween are my gift to the Australian people. (Yep, I’m totes taking credit.)

@madradish Yep, earlier this year! 🙂

@carbolicious Actually not holiday blues; bright sunny summer weather kills that! Just stress, I think. Shoes made it better. 🙂

We gave Petey his first dose of antibiotics tonight. I now have two long scratches down my right arm. We’ll call it a draw.

@miftik It’s catching him that’s hard. Finally had to corner him in a closet.

@devvyleys Top down is much easier for beginners. Toe up is better once you know what you’re doing.

@devvyleys Ah, just realised you’re doing a Christmas stocking! Definitely go top down then. Toe up is better for WEARING only. 🙂