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@carbolicious I am currently reading “Storyteller”, the authorised bio of Roald Dahl. The print version weighs like 10 pounds. 🙁

@carbolicious Serious recommendation: “Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell. I gave my copy to @eileenDCoE. It was awesome.

@SallyPompom I clicked agree, of course. I was going to make the same point myself but I’m a broken record on that topic. 🙂

@SallyPompom Nope. Either nobody told me or I forgot, which is unlikely since I’ve been asking for that for years! I made a big reply. 🙂

@99Games Thank you! That explains it. Didn’t realise WordsWorth Clubs fed into the same ranking system. Will do that instead. 🙂

@gilmae White ones with red wheels? I’ve got a pair in my closet right now. 🙂

I am thankful we were able to chase Petey into a bathroom last night at 3:30am and lock him in so we could salvage a few hours sleep. *yawn*

Had to dart into traffic between stopped buses to flag down a 480 at Broadway. Risked my life and I’m STILL going to be late. (@131500buses)

I was okay missing Thanksgiving til my Mom just IMed me with the menu for their feast. Damn.

@drkknits We’ve done it twice in Australia, but it’s just too darn hot here to roast a turkey. Maybe turkey sandwiches tonight? 🙂