Just booked in for Christmas WebBlast on December 9: http://xmas-2010.eventbrite.com/ #webblastsyd
I just ousted Jason C. as the mayor of Toby’s Estate Espresso Bar on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/bbiGeG
Thanksgiving in Sydney. Beautiful, sunny, and 80F. Not bad. http://twitpic.com/39xq4f
@venks79 TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!1111!!!1! 😛 (cc @thezedmiester)
@thisismywww “TiltShiftGen”. I like it.
Thanksgiving dinner: homemade turkey burgers with camembert and cranberry, washed down by beer, followed by ice cream sandwiches!
@jannism I have just noticed that you haven’t aged in ten years. What’s up with that?
@_brigita_ Yep! Called TiltShiftGen.
@kunaal84 Congrats! Well done. How are the feet?
@Bells_G It can be a traditional side dish if you make it from scratch. The boxed convenience stuff came way, way after.
I have now worn a skirt or dress for 5 of the last 8 days. This is a record, and one that would probably shock many of you.
@brodrigu Jealous! Is that a can-shaped slice of cranberry sauce I spy?