Shared today on Twitter

Once again I think the squeaky wheel is going to get the grease. Or the office, as it were in this case. *sigh* I’ll be in my corner.

@knitness Sweet! I was thinking about it. What are you talking on?

Can anybody recommend a nice fancy restaurant in Sydney open between Christmas and New Year’s? Or are they all closed?

@AusVintageGrrl Yeah, a lot of them.

Fibre Optic Santa stares into my soul.

@Opheli8 I’ve actually tried maple-bacon lollipops, just not caffeinated. Another life goal set.

Got told I was “rockin’ the biker chick look today.” My first time ever for that particular compliment, but I’ll take it!

@Lauren_lolly_ Game Center is awesome! I’m webgoddess if you want to friend me on there. 🙂