What a frickin’ day. So busy. Now to #webblastsyd and free beers!
Awesome! I just won a t-shirt at #webblastsyd from @kristinrohan! Thanks!!
@tinkabel Hee! Not playing tonight, but maybe on the weekend!
Excellent night at #webblastsyd with @lemon_lime and @TimBags and @toastman and @misswired and @kristinrohan and Snook and many others…
Is there anything sexier than a ripe mango straight from the fridge on a hot night?
@stufromoz I stand corrected. 🙂
@zephyrama Yeah? I stopped a couple hundred comments back because it MADE ME WANT TO VOMIT.
@Bells_G We got broadbeans in the veggie box last night, and we did double-peel. You have to unless they’re *very* young I find…
@stufromoz Obviously, you need to writesome fan fiction. 😛