Shared today on Twitter

Just got an IM from Snook. THE GIANT BOX OF SHELTER IS AT MY HOUSE. I AM DYING HERE! EEEEEEK! (@knitabulous)

Get this: the Japanese on Noro yarn labels is actually phonetic for the English name. I’m serious. @lemon_lime can read it and proved it!

@knitabulous Yeah, there’s a few non-Shelter bits, I think…

Now when I hear an iPhone vibrate nearby, I know it’s mine and not @thezedmiester’s. 🙁

Unboxing the Shelter!!! I want to keep it aaaaalllllllll.

The complete Shelter unboxing:

@AirForceTed Very good question. You’ll hear some justifications in the next episode – before the end of the year – I PROMISE! 🙂

@AirForceTed Between you and my Mom, seems like half the running community is hassling me! 😛