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@FlavourCrusader Tried to leave a comment congratulating you on logo, but getting a 404 on blog comment submit!

@richapplefool Sweet! Comment submitted. 🙂

What am I doing? @JayDubRunning has me actually contemplating a marathon. GAHHHHHHH.

@AirForceTed @JayDubRunning Hmmm, I’ve got 22.5 weeks. Recommendations for a “to finish” training program with running 3-4x / wk?

@AirForceTed @JayDubRunning Hm, and it’s only 16 weeks so I have a little wiggle room in there. That might be good.

Jamie’s 30-Minute Dinners. Dymocks AU: $50. Borders AU: $69. Book Depository UK: $38 (w/shipping). WTF. ORDERING OVERSEAS NOW.

@devvyleys I haven’t actually seen the book yet, but we’re loving the show. Already tried some recipes from the website.

RT @eileenDCoE: Soapbox: study linking vaccines to austism delcared an “elaborate fraud” …

Snook SMSed me: “@mathowie sent you a package.” Yay! MeFi T-shirt just in time for casual Friday.