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Snook and I used Xmas money to order a pressure cooker & canning set from Amazon. (Sorry, Gerry.) Please send favorite recipe resources!

@richapplefool No idea. Rodd is good at jam making. Would like to properly can some of that. Maybe fruit? Tomatoes? Pickles? Anything!

@richapplefool Still need to get jars & lids. Kit comes with everything else, I think. We’ll have to go out to Flem. Markets & buy BUSHELS!

@alyshajane Our cats are non-picky. They just get Friskies from the supermarket. I have friends who actually COOK for their cat though.

@alyshajane They just get dry. We’ve offered them wet before but they don’t like it much. They do get the odd treat of chicken fat 🙂

I just ousted Mark S. as the mayor of Strand Hotel on @foursquare!

@thezedmiester NO WAY! Didn’t realize I stole Mayor while he’s away. 🙂 Only had 1 beer though…

@Opheli8 Ooh, I want a review. I’ve only been there for drinks.

Holy crap. Does Bob Hawke have an office in our building??? I’m 90% sure I walked past him this arvo! @venks79 @kunaal84 @Opheli8

He was short, tan, shock of white hair. The security guard was deferential, which is what caught my attention. And he looked familiar…

Any of you have a Sodastream? Does it make nice fizzy water? Trying to come up with cheap dinner alternative that isn’t wine or plain H2O.

@DomesticJules Interval training! And voice prompts. And no advertising. I love the Pro version, happily paid for it.

@DomesticJules But you know Pro is free right now, right? You should definitely get it.

@imdominating So wait, you did 100 of each? 10 x 10? Impressed!

Heading off to Guild meeting. I am loving the fact that my preparation now takes like 2 minutes. 🙂