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@witty_knitter I was taught two spaces when I took “keyboarding” in high school. On actual IBM Selectric typewriters! Don’t do it now tho.

@randomknits Within 2wks of working retail on my feet, I was wearing the ugliest – but comfiest – shoes ever and loving it. Go practical.

@drkknits As the article says, it makes sense with monospace fonts… kind of. But yeah, I never bothered on computers.

Woo! My first trip on one of the fancy new “Free WiFi” buses! I am pathetically excited about that.

@eileenDCoE These checkin places sound suspiciously like wanky Melbourne bars. DO THEY HAVE A SIGN? DOES EVERYONE HAVE A BEARD?

@stufromoz It did! Somebody is probably sniffing my Twitter password as we speak. Yay technology.

@stufromoz I couldn’t see any furtive laptop users, but it was a bendy bus. Who knows? I’m off now. Are iPhones actually at risk?

@AusVintageGrrl Some of the fancy new Metro Buses. The 30 and the 10 have it so far, I think.

@drkknits @HoneyBeeMine Nah, I tend to just buy paper books. I can’t read e-books for long novels. 🙁

@stufromoz I’m trying to figure out if apps are as vulnerable as hitting the site in Safari. Was firing up Tweetdeck a big risk?

@kunaal84 Uh oh. Not a good night?

@kunaal84 I’m going to a Metafilter meetup near Broadway on Sunday at 5 if you need an excuse to get out!

@TimBags Yep. Started last month on new Metro M10 bus! Google it. 🙂

@AusVintageGrrl Upon further googling, appears to just be on M10 for now as a trial.