Shared today on Twitter

@TitusAtticus @lemon_lime No, but if I didn’t realise I needed to turn it on, there must be zillions of others looking at shitty fonts too.

I just unlocked the “Fresh Brew” badge on @foursquare!

RT @kunaal84: Timely message from a good friend: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

I am so sick of Shur’tugal and I’m less than halfway done with the foot. NEVERENDING ANNOYING SOCK PATTERN.

@drkknits @bells_g @randomknits I get this perverse thing where I MUST defeat these patterns tho. Frogging would be conceding my victory!

@DianneKing It’s a nice pattern, really. I just find small cables repeated over and over really tedious to knit!