Don’t think I’ll go to the RAS Arts Preview Night. $27 is too expensive for what it is. For that, I can go to the Show (w/ free transport).
Upon further investigation, Show tickets are $34 (or $31 on preorder). THIS WHOLE THING IS A RORT.
@jannism Well, I *could*, but it would involve a time machine to 1993. And lots of weed.
@drkknits Well, now I’m tempted to suck it up and go to the Preview night. Unless you want to hit the Show together?
@drkknits Aww, thanks. You should give to somebody who can’t afford it. I’m just being a tight-arse. 🙂
@squozen Rodd uses Exetel. I think they do that? It’s pretty much “a la carte”. He spents < $20/month on his plan.
@squozen It’s resold Voda, I think.
@squozen Ahhh, sorry. 🙂
@witty_knitter @knitabulous So we all boycott the Preview night this year? There’s a thought.
Company is looking for a few more web devs: Let me know if you’re interested!
@mpesce Congratulations! Did you get a tree? Clover didn’t give me a tree; instead I got a lousy inkpen.
@knitdra I am on my second iPhone4. I adore it. I am surgically attached to it. It is my favorite gadget of all time.
@carbolicious Hmmm. Can you mail me a piece??
Medical mystery solved: heat rash! My whinging about the weather is now justified, as it’s actually attacking me physically.
@AusVintageGrrl Do they sell Noxema in Australia? Man, I loved Noxema.
@henrytapia Snook will be excited.
@henrytapia I was not being ironic in the slightest. He is the only straight, male Roxette fan in the entire world.
Oh @gruber. Tell me that wasn’t a snark on knitting & crafting in your blog pitch for the Talk Show episode. Why is that meant to be funny?
@gruber I had to double-take. Knitting is HUGE online. @ravelry is building an iPhone app. It’s not as far from your interests as you think.