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My constant badgering of the vending machine man has finally paid off. HEAPS OF PRETZELS. HEAPS!

@witty_knitter Dissertation Haiku: Thought of you. 🙂

@redambition Do you like the show? It’s like that. Not really traditional recipe format; more like order of operations for a full meal.

@redambition Hmmm… And actually, probably only 10 vegetarian meals in it, to be honest.

@redambition Come over some night. You can have a flip through and watch an ep (we have them on the DVR).

@redambition Check your gmail. Sent you a scan I had so you can see the non-traditional format. Lifting out single dishes isn’t easy…

@gilmae @redambition It’s hard because he doesn’t always give timings. Some things you cook for duration of doing other things.

@gilmae Having two people cooking also messes things up, because one of us is always jumping head to a different task.

@chrisgander The hammer and the shield ARE pretty cool…

RT @PhoenixCub: Lady Gaga shows up at the VMA’s in meat & arrives at the Grammy’s in an egg. She’s only 2 red carpets away from being a …

@redambition Ooh, don’t know it. Do a blog review! I’m going to write one on Health Month, which I think you’d LOVE.

New veggie in the box tonight: amaranth. Treated it like spinach in scrambled eggs. Tasty and healthy!