Just finally came up for air. Crazy busy day so far.
I just ousted @hackjack as the mayor of Guzman Y Gomez on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/6eGHqr
@blakkat Jealous. How’s the Three Sheets today?
Finding inspiration to finish the Snook’s hipster cardy from this photo of Daniel Craig wearing one: http://bit.ly/glhDDv. Hummina.
@imdominating Oh dear god. Take lots of photos for me, will you?
@imdominating Damn you and your transcontinental booty calls!
@squozen What about those seriously considering getting up at 1am to preorder? #sheepish
Slight detour on the way to #webblastsyd to hit the one-day GAP 30% off sale. Yay for affordable chinos!
@lemon_lime @kunaal84 If you’re making a bar run, we’d like a beer and a red wine. There in 5. 🙂
Too. Much. Wine. #webblastsyd
My 20yo self knew enough not to drink 4 glasses of wine on an empty stomach. Conclusion: I am officially getting dumber as I get older.
@lemon_lime Hungover Morning Kris HATES Fun Drunky Night Kris.
Stuck in traffic on George St for 10 minutes now. What’s going on?
@randomknits It can’t be. I’ve heard there’s a queue, but they can’t actually be blocking traffic, can they?!