@laimelde Awww, that sucks! Sorry to hear it.
DAMMIT. Just saw on Facebook that some girl has successfully eaten Mad Mex’s 1kg burrito. Sad that it wasn’t me.
@AusVintageGrrl Because I wanted the glory all for myself!
Realised as I was getting dressed after lunchtime run that I’ve been wearing my own handknit jumper BACKWARDS all day.
@Lauren_lolly_ Road to Golden. Only noticed because I suddenly realised the start-of-round jog was visible on my right shoulder raglan seam!
@carbolicious Yep. I need to get some of those little tags made up. MADE WITH LOVE BY CRAZY CRAFT SISTERS, amirite?
Damn. Lost the Food Connect recipe contest to an okra dish. OKRA. How did they get 29 people to like a friggin’ OKRA recipe??
@DDsD I tried. Just felt dirty doing too much spamming to get folks to vote. AND THAT’S HOW YOU LOSE TO OKRA, I GUESS.
@carbolicious @imdominating You can pitch it as “Harry and the Hendersons” meets “Twilight.” HIGH CONCEPT MOVIE GOLD.
@carbocommander The 30 Rock parody of HatH was one of the best things ever.
My point was not that okra is the Worst Thing Ever, but rather that it was in no way comparable to my awesome Pumpkin Chili con Carne.
@imdominating Trying to remember what age I got mine at. I have a feeling it was 5th grade. But I desperately wanted them… 🙂
RT @Ezzles: May the fourth be with you! // AWESOME!
@SallyPompom Welcome back! We all missed you.