Knitters – anybody going to SSK today? Thinking of heading over to Newtown this arvo…
@lemon_lime @kunaal84 Sure, will email you guys…
Just got phone call from a friend who is now a Thermomix rep! Anybody interested in going to a demo? Can put you in touch…
@stufromoz Google it. Like a blender that also gets hot? They use em on Masterchef sometimes, Heston Blumenthal, etc. Fancy foody gadget.
@stufromoz They don’t sell them in shops, only via parties. I think they’re expensive too. @mrs_sockvictim went to one…
Whoa! Power just went out for a second in Chippo. Anybody else??
Tonight’s Jamie meal: Pork Chops w/ Crackling, Smashed Potato, Minty Cabbage, Peaches cooked in 33min BY ME!
@venks79 Huh. This was our first ever. Just darkness for 1-2 sec, then back. Doesn’t seem to have affected anybody else. Maybe just us??
@knitabulous Yay! Good luck!! You’ll be AWESOME.