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WHOA, big lightning outside our building. Storm is getting closer.

I’m with Cate. Sooner or later, we’re going to have to pay a price for climate change. #imwithCate

@thisismywww What issue? You mean the one where people attacked Cate Blanchett for being rich? Because that’s what I’m talking about.

@redambition @thisismywww Besides, it was a stupid promise that shouldn’t have been made. I’d rather they break it.

@blakkat The question is, is your desk under water? 🙂

@thisismywww It won’t be coming back to me. I’m happy to pay. Electricity is too cheap here anyway; there’s no impetus to conserve.

@thisismywww What, just ask corporations nicely to stop polluting? I don’t think that’s gonna work. Economic sanctions are going to happen.

@thisismywww If we don’t impose them ourselves, the EU will do it for us. Qantas flights are already being penalised. (Check the SMH story)