@Warlach I asked MeFi about cats and Sydney landlords 4yr ago: http://j.mp/jvjg59. We ended up buying a place of our own. 🙁
@riozwhlva4 I block spammers.
Holy crap. Sword & Sworcery is on sale just for today. iPhone/iPad owners: get this! http://bit.ly/hX0BBt Engrossing, beautiful, weird…
@squozen There are sites that help you if you get stuck.
How “agile” is important to Business Analysts: http://bit.ly/jugqjd Yes. I have more to offer than being a waiter between business & IT!
@ScottRhodie Actually it’s not the app you need; that just shows you a map. You need to set up a Find my iPhone ACCOUNT for it to work.
Damn! Got excited thinking I won @FoodConnectSyd’s weekly contest, but my carrot isn’t kinky enough. Yes, really. http://twitpic.com/5f5cxi
@bezthomas In the papers here, Pauline was claiming she was Palin’s actual inspiration for it.
HA! Finally some actual creative, funny “yarn bombing”: http://bit.ly/kWgvJV Strap that to a tree, “guerrilla” knitters. I dare you.