Dear @toastman: Your girlfriend looks really cute.
RT @venks79: Why your company should do an internal hackathon < Note to self: arrange one at @mobileembrace
@carbolicious @imdominating I am very much looking forward to this aspect of the film:
So Foursquare have jumped on the daily deal bandwagon? This makes me feel even more justified in moving it off my home screen the other day.
RT @redambition: Should have had a croissant for breakfast… Joyeaux jour de la Bastille mes petits canards!
RT @golden86: Apple had adjusted the pricing of apps in App Store to align with current exchange rates. Was A$1.19 now A$0.99
@rajsingh2505 @kunaal84 @venks79 Was shocked to see the news this morning. Hope all your friends/fam are okay. 🙁
Bus is just sitting on George Street. *sigh* I need a bike.