@Soma377 That pretty much goes everywhere. You have to answer that question here too.
@Soma377 I think the US may ban me for living in the UK for 2 years, actually. Even though Mad Cow was well over by then…
I dropped a lolly. And now I can’t find it. It’s not on the floor; it’s not on my chair. WHERE DID IT GO?
@drkknits Ooh, that sounds creepy. I ended up finding the lolly on the floor 5 feet away. Less exciting.
@drkknits I actually went to the toilet to make sure it didn’t worm itself down my pants. I discovered it on the floor on my way back. 🙂
@imdominating Be sure the tweet the webcam URL if you GET MARRIED, DRUNKY. 😛
@fictillius I was shocked when I read it too! But glad to know it wasn’t GoGet members ripping off the company.
@BendalongMorgan Heh. I did check. I later found it on the floor though. 🙂
@jannism The sad thing is, I was actually wondering.
Feeling weird and out-of-sorts. Disconnected from my friends. How did this happen? Feel like I haven’t seen you guys in aaaages…
@bookchellef @Lackadazy “Not available to customers in Australia.” Arbitrary geographic content restrictions on digital goods SUCK.
Woke up to the news that one of our good friends from our time in London has died. We miss you, Ciaran. I still can’t believe it.