Woo! Snook’s Halloween costume 90% sorted. This has been a busy day!
Frocktober #5: Gap skirt, beer, grotty student pub. “Chippo hipster” indeed. @ Abercrombie Hotel http://t.co/V9B33cZk
Sweet antique sewing machine in cabinet at Glebe Salvos! http://t.co/mLQSA92e http://t.co/vDHN3H0H http://t.co/M7i7Dc8r
@SMinney No, it’s a treadle and I am lazy. 🙂
@zephyrama Insane good or insane bad? I have no idea myself. I just thought it was neat! Not planning to buy it. 🙂
@zephyrama Yowza! Good to know, thanks. 🙂
@Illdrinn Nice. I once met lady at knit shop who was descendant of Babbage & I freaked out. Not many people recognise the name, she said.