Shared today on Twitter

I would take people who don’t like the PM more seriously if they didn’t use such loaded, misogynistic terms to describe her.

@richbuggy Hey, that’s an actual political argument! I can respect that (but not agree with it). It’s the “witch” shit I object to.

Doing unpopular things is WHY we have representative democracy. You can’t trust big decisions to the mob, who always act from self-interest.

@Soma377 You joke, but stuff is stupid here today. Govt passed carbon tax (YAY!), and the conservatives are frothing at the fucking mouth.

@Soma377 “Self-appointed” =/= “representative democracy.” I get that folks are angry, but in US and AU, leaders are still elected.

@Soma377 I’m ranting against the idea that we should trust the mob to grant human rights & protect the earth against its own interests.

@Soma377 You seem to be having some other argument, which is fine and all, but not the particular nit I’m picking just now…

WOOT! Thanks to @carbolicious for Kindle-lending me the next Hunger Games book. #bravenewworld

SONOFA. Stupid Amazon doesn’t allow my sister to share a book with me because I’m in Australia. Well, that sucks.

@gilmae Giving that a try. I think they must be doing an IP address lookup though.

@gusseting How do I do that? Am I changing an Amazon billing or delivery address?

@gusseting Ahh, I found it. But will I then lose books associated to AUS account?

@gusseting @gilmae Got it. Thanks. 🙂

@toastman I think I found a costume for you.

Frocktober #8. Retro dress from Heartbreaker.

RT @stringy: Hmm me too. Beyond Blue needs a new leader. RT @RuthEllison: Reconsidering my support for Movember after reading this: http …

Ugh. It appears I have to upgrade half the apps on my MacBook before I can get iOS5. Installing… Installing…

@nolim1t I hadn’t run Software Update in a loooong time. And the new iTunes is required before you can get iOS 5. (Finally downloading now!)

@Justacogitating You are kidding. Suddenly I am feeling a lot less sympathetic to all those lawyers with $100K in loans and no job…

@nolim1t Snow Leopard

And I appear to have bricked my frickin’ iPhone. iTunes not recognizing it now.

@nolim1t No wait. 10.7.2. That’s Lion.

@squozen Ahhh, that got it to recognize. Thanks. Now to see if it will restore.

Cautiously optimistic that iPhone is now restoring…

@Justacogitating Oh phew.

Phew! iPhone successfully upgraded, now restoring settings from backup. That was a long hour.

@squozen Must’ve been. First try at the office worked perfectly.

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.