I would take people who don’t like the PM more seriously if they didn’t use such loaded, misogynistic terms to describe her.
@richbuggy Hey, that’s an actual political argument! I can respect that (but not agree with it). It’s the “witch” shit I object to.
Doing unpopular things is WHY we have representative democracy. You can’t trust big decisions to the mob, who always act from self-interest.
@Soma377 You joke, but stuff is stupid here today. Govt passed carbon tax (YAY!), and the conservatives are frothing at the fucking mouth.
@Soma377 “Self-appointed” =/= “representative democracy.” I get that folks are angry, but in US and AU, leaders are still elected.
@Soma377 I’m ranting against the idea that we should trust the mob to grant human rights & protect the earth against its own interests.
@Soma377 You seem to be having some other argument, which is fine and all, but not the particular nit I’m picking just now…
WOOT! Thanks to @carbolicious for Kindle-lending me the next Hunger Games book. #bravenewworld
SONOFA. Stupid Amazon doesn’t allow my sister to share a book with me because I’m in Australia. Well, that sucks.
@gilmae Giving that a try. I think they must be doing an IP address lookup though.
@gusseting How do I do that? Am I changing an Amazon billing or delivery address?
@gusseting Ahh, I found it. But will I then lose books associated to AUS account?
@gusseting @gilmae Got it. Thanks. 🙂
@toastman I think I found a costume for you. http://t.co/ujJoDHdx
Frocktober #8. Retro dress from Heartbreaker. http://t.co/RYVTGUZb
RT @stringy: Hmm me too. Beyond Blue needs a new leader. RT @RuthEllison: Reconsidering my support for Movember after reading this: http …
Ugh. It appears I have to upgrade half the apps on my MacBook before I can get iOS5. Installing… Installing…
@nolim1t I hadn’t run Software Update in a loooong time. And the new iTunes is required before you can get iOS 5. (Finally downloading now!)
@Justacogitating You are kidding. Suddenly I am feeling a lot less sympathetic to all those lawyers with $100K in loans and no job…
@nolim1t Snow Leopard
And I appear to have bricked my frickin’ iPhone. iTunes not recognizing it now.
@nolim1t No wait. 10.7.2. That’s Lion.
@squozen Ahhh, that got it to recognize. Thanks. Now to see if it will restore.
Cautiously optimistic that iPhone is now restoring…
@Justacogitating Oh phew.
Phew! iPhone successfully upgraded, now restoring settings from backup. That was a long hour.
@squozen Must’ve been. First try at the office worked perfectly.