Shared today on Twitter

Just reminding folks to let me know if you haven’t RSVPed for Halloween… (Shopping list planning happening this weekend!)

@chrisgander It’s technically the 31st, so the weekend after this coming one.

@imdominating Someday. Someday. (Sadly, you are one of the few people that might conceivably identify Rodd’s costume.)

Coming to grips with the reality that, as a runner, I will never not have weird tan lines.

@discoknitter If you like! We will definitely have some vego stuff available (baked beans, guac & veg, mushroom sarnie, etc).

Frocktober #11. Heartbreaker dress, cheesecake pose. @ Westfield Towers

RT @131500buses: Union action disruption: buses will still run everywhere but with gaps in services. Expect congestion, queueing and del …

@kunaal84 You’re HOME already? Gahhh. I haven’t even left yet. 🙁

@snarkyboojum Hm, no good? Haven’t tried it.

Just ordered my dream boots from Amazon. Seriously, I have coveted these boots for over a decade.

@knitabulous WTF is a white card course? Had to google it.

I stayed up way too late reading book 2 of the Hunger Games last night. RIDICULOUS. (Both the book, and staying up late.) #yawn

@lotsofco The 2nd one is already pissing me off. I love that the friggin’ President shows up to weigh in on the love triangle. *eyeroll*