The Sharebros are building a Google Reader replacement – AWESOME NEWS. Follow @HiveMined or join the email list:
Sing Ho! for a Mo! The Snook is growing a ‘tache as part of Fauxvember. Please consider donating:
@knitterjp I hates it FOREVER.
@gilmae Dude, at least let me live in hope for like 10 minutes.
@gilmae Also, I mentioned you on my blog. I set up proper link posting on it. I’m still annoyed though.
Frocktober Finale: vintage dress & fascinator. It’s OVER!
@gilmae All good! Phew. Dead heat was pretty much our nightmare. 🙂
@sophiebcarter But they already did. 🙁
RT @dancingman: Fact: Electricity demand in Sydney dropped by 39MW (15%) during #MelbourneCup. Source: Me (I was watching the meter).
@dancingman Hahaha, damn. Seemed too good a stat – guess it was! 🙂
@imdominating Real books cost too damn much here! I’m all about ebooks now, just because they’re cheaper.
Frocktober Wrap-Up now on the blog!
@Diepdin I have resorted to sharing links on my actual blog. It feels weird. 🙂
@Opheli8 I had to zoom in. In thumbnail, looked like your legs were all dirty! 😀
RT @knitterjp: We Live Colors touchdown // HOLY CRAP, that’s a lot of tights! 🙂
@Yarna_ @knitterjp @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim @randomknits @kat13v But Frocktober is OVER! I want to wear some PANTS, dammit!
@knitterjp Sure, happy to run over!
@knitterjp What time do you get to work? I think I’m later than you generally. Could walk in and swing by on my way…
@knitterjp How about I meet you by Harry’s Crab place like 8:35ish then?
@gilmae @knitterjp Excellent. I will see you both there then!
Halloween Party 2011 Photos are up! If you’ve got photos of anybody I missed, please send them through!
@Ezzles Ahhh, I just posted a similar one that @gilmae emailed me. Thanks to you both!
Hot pink Wollmeise from @randomknits and new tights from @knitterjp. Best morning ever! Thanks ladies (and @gilmae)!
@randomknits It’s gorgeous! I love it. Thank you so much. I have it sitting below my monitor so I can stare at it all day. 🙂
My new boot are here and they are awesome and I love them and I feel like a rock star!!