Hello Melbourne! I am renting a car. 🙂
@Yarna_ @knitdra @knitterjp @knitabulous @drkknits If this was the Amazing Race, I am kicking all your butts. I’m at Redspot. 🙂
@Yarna_ @knitdra @knitterjp @knitabulous @drkknits I’m good. I had a cookie. I’m just chilling out. 🙂
@drkknits I’m getting a coffee.
@Yarna_ @knitterjp @knitdra @knitabulous @drkknits 4?! I only see 3. Are you in different bldg?
@Yarna_ @knitterjp @knitdra @knitabulous @drkknits T3 at the end. You are at FALSE Redspot! Ailsa & Donna are here
People of Victoria! There are two cars of mad knitters on your roads. Be alert. http://t.co/LEZAyhYC
We have arrived at Sewjourn. Lovely! http://t.co/1PXiDRRn
Somebody’s having a go. There is GRAFITTI KNITTING on a CACTUS in the driveway. http://t.co/TN3mrQe6
@bowenvale321 Lancefield. A crafter’s retreat called Sewjourn. So pretty!
Sewjourn has a gorgeous creative space for crafters… AND A TIRE SWING! http://t.co/WU3T10r3 http://t.co/UJVxB9ob
Beautiful afternoon. Time for a beer. http://t.co/LxZEWX0S
RT @knitdra: Gin o’clock and all is well http://t.co/cuvvZDcs // I was on beer, for the record.
RT @knitterjp: Afternoon @drkknits @web_goddess @knitdra comparing quality of car conversations. And allegedly first text of the day! ht …
What the– After complaining about sock pattern, girls pointed out I KNITTED IT WRONG. ME. HERMIONE. MISREAD THE PATTERN. #dyingofshame
@AusVintageGrrl @zephyrama @redambition Oooh! Oooh! Is the secret out yet? 🙂
@zephyrama @ausvintagegrrl Don’t have to. Twitter conveniently shows you the whole conversation. 🙂
Lost on a dirt road with @mrs_sockvictim and @knitabulous. Waiting for the cavalry to rescue us! http://t.co/xUahwG3E
We are rescued! Phew. http://t.co/MccHatNt