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@traceyh I like them, in a retro ironic way. My aunt has a silver one with a colored light changer you shine from below. Christmas on Mars!

Holy crap! I made a shirt with actual sleeves! I figured it out! And my embiggening hack worked too!

Holy crap! I made a shirt with sleeves! I figured it out! And it fits! And my embiggening hack worked too! #danceofjoy

ARGH! Stupid cheapass Spotlight bias binding MELTED when I ironed it! Have to unpick while neckline and redo. 🙁

@rachievaichie That was the original plan, but it’s striped so my sewing buddies thought a solid would work better. Must rethink.

My nephew Kurt made an awesome sign to keep people from bothering the cats during our Halloween party.

@randomknits I just loaded it successfully. Was already logged in though.