@Yarna_ You positive? I’d buy them from you. (Never known anyone to give up Wollmeise before. You and @randomknits are crazy!)
@drkknits @Yarna_ @randomknits Requires 823 – 1326m. I’m tall with big runner’s calves. ๐ http://t.co/LQ7nG1r3
@Yarna_ Okay, you’ve convinced me! Giant hot pink cabled knee socks it is. M&S on Thursday? ๐
Purple tights on a rainy day. Sad, sad hipster clown. http://t.co/1F8pQ2Yq
SMH article about all the development happening near us at Broadway: http://t.co/EptZSQ6f
Red tights, red coat, red thoughts. http://t.co/GCIZQkTm
@bookchellef Surprisingly: Kumfs! Before they changed names. This was the only non-barfy style that season. ๐
@jezfletcher Nah. I find pub w/ good food harder to find than pub w/ (some) decent beers. But beer range should factor in. (cc @the_snook)
@jezfletcher @the_snook Definitely. Should be “meat pies” or “pickled onions” or something like that. ๐
@drkknits @witty_knitter @knitterjp This cool weather is at least letting us get some more wear out of our tights!
@drkknits @witty_knitter @knitterjp Yes, this “red” looks very different in daylight. Very pink against my red coat. Even Snook noticed.
@witty_knitter @drkknits @knitterjp I think we both just have plain red.
Dear friends: Thinking of ordering some stuff from colettepatterns.com. Anybody want to combine shipping?
@AusVintageGrrl Damn. ๐ I’m going to get her book; it looks really good. I need general sewing instruction books more than you though!
@randomknits Cool! Send me an email and tell me what you want. ๐
@randomknits Ooh, I was already going to get Chantilly. Is it possible to share patterns? (Not experienced enough to know!)