@drkknits I don’t usually make it. Just buy it in tubs from Asian grocery! ๐ Maangchi has best Korean recipes tho: http://t.co/E7JWi6fj
@sixandahalfst @witty_knitter @discoknitter I KNEW IT!!!
Sitting on the bus in The Rocks going nowhere. Hungry. @the_snook’s arm is starting to look tasty…
RT @ScottRhodie: Ah’m aff tae get some haggis in ma belly!!! #burns // SHITE. We forgot the haggis!! (cc @mrs_sockvictim)
Dude on the bus is blaring his music SO LOUD. But randomly, he is listening to the Star Wars soundtrack. So overall THUMBS UP, geeky dude.
An HOUR to get home from The Rocks. AN HOUR TO GO LESS THAN 3 MILES. MOVE! MOOOOVE! (I am screaming in my head like Elaine on the subway.)
@drkknits Definitely! Fill up on that good protein. ๐
@drkknits I made it home and gnawed on some biltong instead. NICK OF TIME.
@drkknits This sort is salt & vinegar. Mostly like chewy, dried meat! I’m a fan. Costco has a jerky deal on I might try to hit next weekend.
@drkknits Sure! There’s still a couple pieces. I’ll bring it along.
@drkknits Asian Meatballs with Cabbage. (Will post recipes on blog.) #paleo http://t.co/VlkqZcGp
@gilmae @drkknits Don’t tempt me. I’ll put @the_snook’s Mad Culinary Scientist brain to work on it…
@madradish @drkknits Recipe link blogged! http://t.co/Zh00LlmO
RT @Nigella_Lawson: In honour of Australia Day, I have changed my Marmite Spaghetti to Vegemite Spaghetti – to see, click on link! http: …
RT @TeresaKopec: Every time Obama gives a big speech you need to be asking yourself, “Where is Seal Team 6?” If you’re a bad guy the ans …
@drkknits Prototypical #paleo breakfast for us: scrambled eggs with fixin’s and sausages. http://t.co/ONdeJHsc
@DDsD When will the AO sale end? Finally looking to buy my fridge…
@drkknits Hahaha. So you’re at the ANGRY phase of carb withdrawal? ๐
@drkknits NO! Worst thing ever. You should get a Soda Stream! Fizzy water feels more special than plain, kills soda cravings more.
@arwenamin @drkknits Dr K was asking me about how @the_snook and I eat low-carb: http://t.co/sZB0TJUL. So she’s giving it a try. ๐
@arwenamin @drkknits Dark Chocolate is totally allowed as a “sensible indulgence.” I couldn’t handle it otherwise… ๐
@drkknits You know what’s a good source of protein? A BIG HUNK OF MAN MEAT. http://t.co/fPEQQuHI