Shared today on Twitter

Errands complete. Picked up kitchen tile, grout, microwave, and polyfill. Also managed to parallel park the GoGet car like a champ. #winning

@Kate_Telfer @chrisgander That’s my boss in the photo. 🙂

@blakkat We booked in over a week ago, and it was nearly full! Can’t wait to go…

@blakkat Yeah. We could only get table for 6:30. A friend called couple days later; he could only get 6:00! Call ASAP, I’d say.

@Kate_Telfer I’m a fan. RunKeeper and @healthmonth have enabled me to make real, measurable progress on goals. Wooboard seems good so far!

@Kate_Telfer I’m a fairly new employee, so I haven’t used Wooboard much. But I was impressed they had a system to reward and praise.

Finally nearing the end of these socks! Which is good, because I’m sick of them.

@jenwburn @sixandahalfst I managed two as well…

Dinner tonight: Caveman Pops (Roast Turkey Legs), Pumpkin, Zucchini. #paleo

@kunaal84 Yay! Welcome back!!

@kunaal84 And happy birthday! (There are birthday plans afoot. I’ll let @rajsingh2505 work out the details with you.)

“I think I have butter in my moustache. I can smell it.” – @the_snook. (I really need to start a #shitthesnooksays account.)

RT @lelaissezfaire: Very funny scavenging take on that new thing – Pinterest: The Depths We Will Go To Not Read v @ …

Bright and cheery Monday calls for bright and cheery tights.