April 10 – first time I whinged about the cold this year and @the_snook reminded me I can’t get out the heater til ANZAC Day. #tradition
It’s happening!! http://t.co/UaLBe3K5
@drkknits Oh no! So sorry to hear it.
HOLY CRAP, demolition is LOUD.
Making lots of progress! http://t.co/O6CGtsf4
Just confirming for @the_snook that this is in no way some sort of sexy King Gee ad. http://t.co/gM3FETjg
About to start jackhammering. Yes, I have my ear plugs in. http://t.co/lpCQ0nRO http://t.co/Zvsi8i93
I can feel the floor vibrating.
Jackhammering is DONE. Holy crap, my house is covered in dust.
All done! And now my house is COVERED in dust. Ick. http://t.co/kYkBhNmN
Not a good plan, having the borderline OCD person here on the dustiest day. I’m freaking out a little bit. I feel overwhelmed.
Kitchen at 2pm and 6pm. My ears are still ringing and my skin is crawling from the dust, but @ Chippendale http://t.co/fue3Ef1d
I just ousted Elias as the mayor of The Sports Clinic on @foursquare! http://t.co/QjnWuWkW
Great news! Physio just gave me go ahead to ride my bike! Still no running, but things are progressing according to plan, he says.
The Snook is managing today’s kitchen progress. So far we have a brickie extending a wall. http://t.co/5lPtA7y2