DIY cat barriers. And a fan bungee-corded to a chair. I am my father’s daughter.
@drkknits Hahaha… Do I have the context right? Are you considering dog names? AMY FARRAH FOWLER WOULD BE AWESOME.
Got new headphones as my old ones (bequeathed by @chrisgander) were falling apart. These are “for DJs”. I fe
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits And I would film it and put it on YouTube and she’d see it and THEN WE’D GET TO MEET HER.
@drkknits How about Sookie? ๐
@chrisgander I looked on eBay. It was pretty much either A) complete shit, or B) $250 Dr. Dre headphones. I went for the $25 Sony.
I looked for a felt tip eyeliner pen yesterday and they were SIXTY DOLLARS. Is that expected? (ping @redambition, who knows these things)
@redambition Cheers. I saw a YouTube tutorial for doing “flicky eyes” and they suggested the pen is better for beginners!
Wondering if the cats have managed to get into the concrete… or if my jury-rigged fan has fallen over into it and ruined it. #anticipation
@randomknits @redambition This one? Sweet! What colour? My eyelashes are brown. Does that preclude black liner?
@imdominating Never underestimate the grossness of Theon. (Have you read the books? I shall say no more otherwise…)
Hooray! Fan is still upright, and no visible cat footprints in cement.
@redambition My Mom is coming out to visit end of July… She’s usually happy to play courier. ๐
@redambition You can always order and have em sent to her house early. Just have to wait a few weeks to get em though!
@imdominating I am of the opinion, just between us, that his peener got cut off. I felt sorry for him a little bit!
@goldfishgeorge Ooh, thanks for the tip! Will check it out.
Holy crap, knitters. Did you see FB? Bex and Jakk got MARRIED in New York!!
@stufromoz I actually bought my first ever wellies on the weekend, and I am SO EXCITED to wear them today!
Forecast is for three days of epic rain, but me and my new gumboots don’t care!
Left @the_snook at home with builders. The floor is happening! Can’t wait to see it complete.
@redambition Got em at Target on the weekend. $24! But larger sizes pretty much sold out. ๐
@Justacogitating Unfortunately the Australian release isn’t til JULY. I am going to be spoiled; it’s inevitable. ๐
Second-guessing our decision for black grout. Tiler recommends grey instead; says black is hard to keep clean. Any thoughts?