Update from @the_snook: Tiles are nearly all down! http://t.co/tXAMdexg
@dancingman That’s what @the_snook’s research indicated as well. Sounds like he’s leaning towards grey.
@gizo Yep. http://t.co/kfS8bYPh Haven’t tried it though. Use ours to just make plain fizzy water, which I love.
@crumpet @gizo Well, technically. I’ve heard dark rumours about people using it to carbonate milk, etc though… which doesn’t work well.
@crumpet @gizo Huh, it’s just opposite the QVB. Sure, will poke my head in next time I’m there!
@drkknits Nice! We had purple carrots last week. They will stain your fingers a little bit if you hold and peel them, I found. 🙂
Even my new cheery gumboots are no match for waiting for the bus in cold rain at night after a 10 hour day. #sad
We have a floor with grey grout. I do love it. http://t.co/sPVxaLCm http://t.co/EwmlD7de
My skirt now has pockets with actual buttonholes! First time I ever used auto buttonhole foot on machine. Magic! http://t.co/ZvKDiaXP
RT @the_snook: He likes it because it matches his tux http://t.co/JGRdMzqa // Kitty camouflage!
I officially like Show Margaery way better than Book Margaery. May or may not have something to do w/ idea of Renly-Loras threesome. #genius
@randomknits I had some difficulty due to thickness of pocket, so one is a little messy. Do you put nail polish on them? I read that once.
@supercres Yeah, I already loved the Grandma! Glad now her granddaughter is less boring.
Holy crap, fire at the Abercrombie last night?? No more deep-fried Golden Gaytimes for a while, it seems.
Me: “Mob-related drive-bys and arson attacks? When did Sydney become Gotham City?” @the_snook: “Since they cleaned up Melbourne.”