@jasony Stainless steel! They measure it up on Monday, and then it takes a week since they have to custom build/weld it to fit.
Why am I the only person who EVER reads the documentation?
RT @drkknits: @web_goddess cough *hermione* cough // I suspect that’s it, frankly.
@quietdiscourse The sad thing is I’m not even talking about my docs, but instead a fairly detailed brief provided by the client!
@henrytapia When you say it like that, it’s obviously less of a superpower and more of a curse.
Call from builder. He’s ready to start install NOW, a day early! What universe is this?! Rushing home…
@drkknits @knitdra Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt.
It’s happening!! http://t.co/M4QOS5Db
I’ve been putting more kitchen pics into an album on Facebook, by the way. So check there if you’re curious! I’ll blog them when it’s done.
@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @knitdra I am never, ever gonna live that down, am I?
@that_alison @knitterjp @dancingman Thanks! I’m really happy that it’s living up to the picture in my head. BUT SO MUCH CLEANING NEEDED.
Macbook backlight has died… one month after AppleCare expired. Sonofabitch.
@henrytapia Yeah. Genius Bar only has appointments a week out from now. Will check in the morning and cross fingers for a walk-in.
@myindodotcom Awww, thanks. Be warned – they stop dead after ep 10! Life got in the way. 🙂
Installed the new Appstore Tweetdeck to my work machine, and I HATE IT. More clicks to ban spammers, can’t read conversations, stupid UI.
@henrytapia I used to use the standalone version before Twitter bought them. The new version you have to get from the Appstore. It’s blue.
@henrytapia Never used web or Chrome app. But on old one, you click “in reply to” and see the whole conversation. Can’t seem to do that now.