Top 8 Most Common Reactions to Grain-Free Diet & How to Respond: Ha. I’ve seen several of those right here on Twitter!
@drkknits I mostly don’t care what other people eat, except when it is CARROT CAKE, and they are TAUNTING ME WITH IT. 😛
So far we’ve sanded and primed all the new wall bits! No more raw concrete render…
As usual we overthink things by a million. Painting is much easier than I thought. It’s looking good! First coat done.
@eileenDCoE Hee! I stopped after just the first one. You know it actually started as a Twilight fanfic?
RT @eileenDCoE: bloggin about a dirty book:
Spending the weekend painting my kitchen is the most middle-class, bourgeois thing I’ve ever done. And it looks great! Suck it, hippies.
RT @phoebegoh: GovHack 2012 awards via @itnews_au