@1funkyknitwit What time should I expect you, O Divine Funky One?
Paper Dolls finished! World’s fastest, bodgiest zipper installed with 20min to spare… http://t.co/4YjoHAOE
All the best parties have BUNTING. http://t.co/Y0plgaWX
It’s @knitterjp and the Amazing Purple Blanket! http://t.co/oIYuhXna
RT @randomknits: Baby shower layer cake! http://t.co/cr1vzjmL // 6 layers of purple cake, and I ate it. #sugarcoma
@astroboysoup Nah, tho most of these folks are in it. This is just @knitterjp’s baby shower. 🙂
Most people picked my baby photo at the shower pretty easily… http://t.co/krtWeez9
ROBOT QUILT!! I LOVE THE ROBOT QUILT! (Zena made it.) http://t.co/4FUwr1MN
I have been in a cake coma all evening. Nothing got done. “SNOOKUMS, THE CAKE MADE ME SAD. WHY DOES IT HURT MY BELLY?” He is unsympathetic.
RT @flipgaming: These Are The 40 Most Powerful People In Video Games http://t.co/ojxWStfa // One woman. ONE. *sigh*
@shanea Did I mention my brother-in-law worked on that? My only Hollywood connection.
RT @thekitchn: Small Cool Kitchens 2012 – open for entry! Enter your little kitchen for a chance to win… http://t.co/757K3pBh
I really hope @kunaal84 is hungry for some banana pudding today, as I have heaps left over…