Heh. Judging by the screenshot (http://t.co/o565GQ1p), @mat named his iPad “Ol Dirty Padster.” That’s kind of brilliant.
@thesiswhisperer Her prom dress at the end is infamously atrocious. http://t.co/cF8pnSbY
RT @lhasapso: Remember, Macs can’t do real work, they’re only for useless artsy stuff like landing on Mars. http://t.co/1JWV5J6D
So the compliment from the crazy man on the bus this morning actually was the highlight of my day. *sigh* Stressful first day back. 🙁
AHHHHHH. The ferry we took to Manly on Thursday HIT A MAMA AND BABY WHALE TODAY. #horrified http://t.co/ulMUvxU1
@drkknits Poor @kunaal84 was there til after 7:30 too, and his trip home will take longer than mine. 🙁
RT @DeathStarPR: Natalie Portman got married in secret over the weekend. Can’t see THAT ending badly for anyone. #StarWars
@Yarna_ How did I miss this? Congrats! Beautiful name. 🙂
@kcm74 Mazel tov. Good to have GitM back!
RT @Y7News: NASA thanks Aussies for Mars success. http://t.co/TgTm7N5z // Hey, Tidbinbilla! I’ve been there! Science tourism FTW.