Butterscotch Cheesecake – my offering for Big Cake Bake 2012! http://t.co/VJGYHXYb
Big Cake Bake to raise money for Red Cross. Way to go, @sitback! http://t.co/WPLTTCfx
@chrisgander Awww, thanks Gander!
@toastman I am THISCLOSE to RTing that, but I guarantee I’ll get family members bitching at me if I do. And I’m tired of that.
@randomknits That sucks. SUCKS. People are such assholes. I’ve never been mugged, so I’d probably be hysterical too 🙁
@gilmae I have deliberately NOT turned it on my MacBook out of fear of the remote wipe (like that dude who got hacked). Damned either way.
@randomknits I got nothing but commiserations. Shit thing to happen, but it can happen to any one of us. It’s just a thing. She’s okay!
@zephyrama Costume Shop. They sell them. http://t.co/KtK9JGAY is the one we always use at Halloween.